Sixth hotcakes airdrop challenge

Oct 21, 2020

For last weeks Astronaut challenge, 52 accounts earned a common, 40 earned a sticky, 14 earned a berry and 13 earned a golden!

The Final Challenge

This one is for all the marbles. To complete this challenge, you need to own 30 unique stickers (stickers with different sticker_ids) and you need to own at least 1 sticker of each rarity (common, sticky, berry, golden, promo)

Here are some examples to clarify what unique stickers means

  • common Alien, berry German Shepherd, common Snail (3 unique stickers)
  • common Hungry Bear, golden Whale (2 unique stickers)
  • common Alien, berry Alien (1 unique sticker)
  • berry Snail, golden Snail, common Snail (1 unique sticker)

You can only earn 1 Kraken per account.


Stamps do not give any additional rewards for this challenge

When does it end?

This challenge ends on Monday November 2nd, 7:00 PM EST. At that time, a snapshot of the blockchain will be taken to determine the winners. Mints will be awarded randomly shortly after.

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